What is Eid and Salat al Eid?

What is Eid?

Eid ul Fitr and Eid ul Azha prayers are obligatory during the time of Imam (A.S.), and it is necessary to offer them in congregation. However during the present times when the Holy Imam is in Occultation, these prayers are Mustahab, and may be offered individually as well as in congregation. The time for Eid prayers is from sunrise till Zuhr. just to convey all readers , the importance of Eid ul fitr  ,I would like to  start this topic with a sermon of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (as) delivered on the day of Eid al-Fitr, in which

he said:

“O people! Verily this day of yours is the day when the righteous are awarded and the wretched are losers. It is a day which is similar to the one on which you shall be standing (before your Lord). Therefore, when you come out of your homes to go to places of your prayer, remind yourselves about the day when you (your souls) shall come out of your bodies to go to your Lord. When you stand on places of your prayer, remind yourselves of your standing in presence of your Lord (on the day of Judgement). And when you return to your homes (after prayer), remind yourselves about your returning to your homes in Paradise.(Nahjul-Balaghah)

That is why It is recommended that Eid prayers be performed in the open fields, to walk barefooted to attend Eid prayers and to perform Sajdah on earth and to do Ghusl before namaz, and to place a white turban on one’s head.

The Holy Qur’an says:Whoever has done an atom ‘s weight of good, will see it and whoever has done an atom’s weight of evil, will also see it. (Surah az-Zilzal, 99:7,8)

Maula ali (a.s) also said in the same sermon of nahjul Balagha: O Servants of Allah! Verily the minimum reward for those men and women who fasted (during Ramadhan), is an Angel, who calls out to them on the last day of the month of Ramadhan (saying): O SERVANTS OF ALLAH! REJOICE THE GLAD TIDING THAT ALL YOUR PREVIOUS SINS HAVE BEEN FORGIVEN.

It is celebrated for three days in a holiday called Eid-ul-Fitr (the Feast of Fast Breaking). Gifts are exchanged. Friends and family gather to pray in congregation.

Imam Ali (AS) says: “Eid is for him whose fasts have been accepted by Allah, and whose worship has been appreciated by Allah. Everyday in which you do not disobey Allah is a day of Eid.”

The Holy Prophet (SAW) and the Imams celebrated Eid and encouraged all Muslims to do so. They told Muslims to wear good clothes, put on perfume, and go to the mosque to recite the Eid prayer. They also said to exchange Eid greetings, visit each other, and generally pass the day joyfully. We should remember the poor by taking out fitrah before Eid, and visiting them and sending them gifts if we can.

The day of Eid is meant for remembering Allah. The Holy Prophet (SAW) says: “Give beauty to your Eid by doing takbir”. It is said that the Prophet (SAW) himself used to come out of his home on the day of Eid, reciitng the takbir and glorifying Allah in a loud voice.

Imam Zainul Abedin (A.S.) used to spend this whole night in devotion, and has said: “This night is as important as that of Shab-e-Qadr” (that is to say, the odd night towards the latter part of Ramadan when the Holy Qur’an was first revealed to our Holy Prophet [S.A.W.]).

It is quoted from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) that “one who offers six Rakat prayers on this night reciting in each Rakat Sura ‘Al-Hamd’ once and Sura ‘Qul Huwallah’ five times God will pardon his sins”.

Haris Aawar narrates that Hazrat Ali (A.S.), on this night, after Maghrib prayers, used to offer two Rakats prayers. In the first one he used to recite Sure ‘Al-Hamd’ once and Sura ‘Qul Huwallah’ one hundred times, and in the other both the Suras only once. After completion of the prayers he would bow his head in prostration and recite “Atubo Ellallah” 100 times and then would say, “I swear by one (God)! He has the sole command over my life”. Whoever will, in this way, offer two Rakats prayers, the Beneficent will positively fulfill any wish begged from Him.

Salat al Eid

It is Mustahab that one should have a breakfast after sunrise, pay Zakatul Fitr and then offer Eid prayers. It is Mustahab to walk barefooted to attend Eid prayers, with all the dignity, and to do Ghusl before namaz, and to place a white turban on one’s head.

It is also Mustahab that in Eid prayers Sajdah be performed on earth, and hands be raised while saying takbirs and if you are offering salat individually recites prayers loudly. And if you are Riciting Namaz e Eid with Jamat then the follower should recite everything in the Eid prayers, except Surah al-Hamd and the other Surah.

1) Eid prayers has two Rak’ats.

2) In the first Rak’at, a person should recite Surah al Hamd and a Surah

3) and then they say five takbirs, and after every takbir he should recite qunut.

4) After the fifth qunut, he should say another takbir and then perform Ruku and two Sajdah.

5) He should then stand up and recite Surah al Hamd and a Surah like first Rakat.

6) say four takbirs in the second Rak’at, and recite qunut after everyone of these takbirs.

7) Thereafter, he should say the fifth takbir and then perform Ruku and two Sajdah.

8) After the second Sajdah he should recite tashahhud, and then complete the prayers with Salam.


No particular Surah has been specified for Eid prayers But, it is better that after reciting Surah al Hamd in the first Rak’at, Surah Wash Shams be recited and in the second Rak’at Surah al Ghashiya

Any recital or Dua will suffice in qunut of the Eid Prayers. However, it is better that the following Dua is recited: Allahumma ahlal kibriya’i wal ‘azamah, wa ahlal judi wal jaburat, wa ahlal ‘afwi war rahmah, wa ahlat taqwa wal maghfirah. As aluka bihaqqi hazal yawmil lazi ja’altahu lil muslimina ‘ida , wali Muhammadin sal lal lahu ‘Alaihi wa Alihi, zukhran wa sharafan wa karamatan wa mazida an tusalliya ‘ala Muhammad wa Ali Muhammad wa an tudkhilani fi kulli khayrin adkhalta fihi Muhammadan wa Ala Muhammad wa an tukhrijani min kulli su’in akhrajta minhu Muhammadan wa Ala Muhammad salawatuka ‘alahi wa ‘alahim. Alla humma inni as aluka khayra ma sa alaka bihi ibadukas salihun, wa auzubika mim masta aza minhu ibadukal mukhlasun.

Dua’a Khatmul Quran- after finishing Quran

Recite this Duaa after Khitma of the Holy Qur’an, it is narrated by Imam Ali (A.S.)

Bismillaar-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Allaahummashrah Bil Qur’ani Swadree Wasta’amil Bil Qur’ani Badanee Wa Nawwir Bil Qur’ani Baswaree Wa Atliq Bil Qur’ani Lisaanee Wa A’innee Alayhi Maa Abqaytanee Fa Innaahoo Laa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Bika. ( Dua e ameerul momineen(a.s) Read More

Zakat al Fitrah

It is Wajib to give Fitra to the needy in your hometown first. It is not necessary to tell that the money given to the needy is of Fitra. It is recommended to give preference to one’s relatives when giving fitrah, then to the neighbors and then ahlul ilm people of learning.  Read More

Fitrah should not be sent outside the town

Published by S.M.Masum

Retired Banker, India

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